Cross-scope privilege error or warning even after creating privilege records


Blueprint Designer's Preview gives cross-scope privilege error or warning even after creating the Cross-scope access records as instructed in /wiki/spaces/DCMW/pages/1566151767.


Some tables in ServiceNow require additional steps to grant cross-scope access privileges even after cross-scope privilege records have been created successfully.

One example of such table is Group table (sys_user_group).

In addition to creating cross-scope access records, one has to update the actual table definitions in the sys_db_object table,

Follow these steps for each table that gives error or warning during Blueprint preview:
  1. Go to Table record for the matching table in sys_db_object table: for example Group (sys_user_group).
  2. Open the "Application Access" section
  3. Make sure that Accessible from is set to "All application scopes"
  4. Select "Can read", "Can create" and "Can update" checkboxes
  5. Save / Update the record.

Running the Blueprint preview after these steps should no longer give warning about Cross-scope access privileges.

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