DCM R2.2 Release Notes

R2.2. includes couple of useful enhancement and an important bug fix related to audit results.

Release date: 23.5.2018

New Features

No new features in this release.




Blueprint Designer

Default template

Blank template is selected by default, so user does not need to select than when creating a new blueprint from blank template.

Blueprint DesignerRelationship type selectionChanged the logic how possible relationship types are loaded to make a bit faster.
Blueprint DesignerBlueprint Publisher will check cross-scope previleges

Before Blueprint is published, the preview functionality will now check if all Classes included in the blueprint have matching cross-scope privilege records defined.

  • Read permissions is required and will result in an error during preview.
  • Write permission is optional, since only needed when populating new data and will result in a warning.
AuditRerun the same audit instanceUser can now rerun the same audit instance directly from the audit instances list. Rerun instance is referring to the original and all details are copied from the original.
Main pageLink to YouTube channelAdded link to DCM YouTube channel into Support section on top of the Main page.

Bug fixes

Audit ResultsMandatory links after an optional link

Audit results where showing critical deviations for Mandatory reference fields and relationships that were behind a missing Optional reference or relationship.

Now Audit will not continue through optional links, if link/record not defined.

Data Content PlannerRemoved extra scroll bars from Field PlannerSince Kingston release, default form views are showing some extra scroll bars. Those are now hidden, when forms are opened inside the Data Content Planner.

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