DCM R5.2 Release Notes
DCM R5.2 is a minor release with lots of small enhancements to Blueprint Designer and improvements to audit logic. Release date: 19.4.2022 4.5.2022: DCM R5.2.1 patch release notes.
Area | Enhancement | Description |
Blueprint Designer | Target record conditions | New target record condition added to links to further specify what a target record should look like. For example, "Business Application owner should be an active User record" can be defined as target record condition and audit will give clear results on whether target records match with a given condition or not. |
Blueprint Designer | Renaming blueprint elements | Blueprint designers can rename containers to better match with intended use on a blueprint. For example, a Business Application table with "Business criticality = High" filter could be renamed as "Critical Business Applications". Or a group of alternative links can be called "Infrastructure CI relationships" instead of a default name based on source class. |
Blueprint Designer | Blueprint Export | A blueprint version with all its details can be exported into a single XML file and imported into another instance. Export doesn't include blueprint elements which are regenerated when blueprint is being published. |
Blueprint Designer | Conditional Field conditions | Our customers fell in love with the "Conditional links", so we implemented similar logic to Field conditions. Now you can define a condition when the field condition should apply. For example: "Serial number is not empty - applied only when - Is virtual is false". |
Blueprint Designer | Define "Data Consumers" | Blueprints can also define "Data Consumers" in a similar way as defining "Data Providers". This feature is released as a "beta version" and must be activated separately. Contact DCM support, if you want to know more. |
Reporting | New "Deviation Trend" reports | New report and interactive filters added to "My Data Domains" audit dashboard tab. This interactive trend report can be used to show for example how certain types of deviations have changed over time. |
Reporting | New "Audit Duration" reports | Audit instance and Audit result records now have a duration field that has been used to create a few reports to show long-lasting audits. These new reports are not on any default dashboard yet, but can be found from the reports list. |
Application | Data clean up routines | The application now comes with predefined table data cleanup routines that system administrators can easily enable and adjust according to instance setup. These"Auto flush" records are not active by default, but can be found under Guided Setup or Basic Setup. |
Area | Enhancement | Description |
Blueprint Designer | Relabeled "Mandatory filter conditions" to "Inclusive filters" | With the new "target record condition" we can do similar things as with mandatory filter conditions before that. Now, the role of these mandatory filters is more about restricting the audit to only consider certain records while ignoring the rest. Using these "inclusive filters" can improve audit performance, since "non-matching records" are simply ignored by the audit. |
Blueprint Designer | Easier way to define Cohesive links | Cohesive links are now defined in the same way as Alternative links. Simply picking links from a list instead of modifying them one-by-one. |
Blueprint Designer | More complex Field conditions | Now a condition related to a single field can have a condition including multiple fields in it. With this addition, we also updated how Field Setups are being defined and started to support OR-conditions as part of the setup. |
Blueprint Designer | Empty options to Data Provider config | Selection list now includes an empty value to clear out previously selected fields for data provider config. |
Data Content Planner | Visual enhancements to match with advanced blueprint designs | Data Content Planner has better visual support for different blueprint configs than before. |
Data Content Planner | Record list in alphabetical order | Record list is now in alphabetical order by default. |
Data Content Planner | More checks included into Data Population Preview | Preview now checks more blueprint conditions than before. For example validations against Field Setups, is now part of the preview. |
Workspace | Reopening UAMs will reopen related tasks | If a DCM Task was closed, but related Unique Audit Messages got reopened by a later audit, the task is reopened into "Open" status. |
Reporting | New experimental reports | A few experimental reports were added to the product, but not yet included in any of the dashboards. |
Audit | Performance and stability improvements | Multiple enhancements related to audit logic and how the work is split into smaller, independent evaluators. These enhancements also include more control for customers to fine-tune audit performance with a couple of system properties. |
Audit | Updated audit messages | Few updates to audit messages including "condition strings". All audit messages are currently under review and the next version will include updated audit message structures and human-readable texts. |
Audit | Disable Start button after starting an on-demand audit | Previously user could click the Start button multiple times by accident while waiting for the screen to respond. |
Audit | Improvements to Audit Results view | Performance-related improvements to Audit Results and Audit Messages views. |
Audit | Audit duration | Audit duration is now calculated into Audit instance and Audit result records for analyzing audit performance. |
Application | Fixed font sizes | Fixed font sizes are now used in few places around the DCM UI, since customer changes to default themes might have caused issues in DCM UI. |
Application | Minor updates to demo data | Minor updates to demo data. |
Bug fixes
Area | Issue | Description |
Data Content Planner | Field Setup modal window did not open from the icon | Field Setup/Conditions window did not open in DCP from the Field setup icon, but now it does. |
Data Content Planner | Bug in creating new root records | In some cases, creating a new root record with the Content Planner could not commit changes. |
Blueprint Designer | Delete button on blueprint version didn't do anything | UI action on the blueprint version form did not do anything. |
Blueprint Designer | Source and Target container perspective issues | Audit direction and reference direction messed up sometimes when trying to define a reference-based link between the same two tables. |
Blueprint Designer | Provider field label issue | Blueprint Designer was picking up a wrong field label in Data Provider Config, if parent table (root) had a different label than the table included into the blueprint. |
Blueprint Designer | CI Relationship Type selection | Sometimes, the Relationship Type selection field was not visible when editing a many-to-many type of link. |
Reporting | Fixed interactive filters | Removed some "Interactive Filter References" that were causing issues with database views. |
Audit | Issues when auditing references | Certain types of reference links could cause issues in audit, but should not do that anymore. |
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