DCM R4.1 Release Notes

DCM R4.1 Release Notes

DCM R4.1 includes one very good addition to the audit, that being the "field level audit". Another great enhancement for managing and auditing the blueprints is the addition of "data domains". These data domains and tiers are used to group and manage blueprints and audit results.

This release also includes a Guided Setup for DCM.

Release date: 14.1.2020

New Features

Blueprint DesignerField level audit / Field setupThe first version of the "field-level audit" includes defining a field setup to a blueprint container that is then used to audit each attribute separately. A previously available "filter" on a container still remains and that is used to validate the records from a model point-of-view while field setup digs into deeper and reports possible deviation per attribute.
Blueprint DesignerData domains and tiers

New data domain and tier structures available to better manage the blueprints and audit results. Data domains should be used to split all data within ServiceNow into manageable "domains" and appoint responsible persons to own and manage those domains.

The basis for the tier and domain structures have been taken from the "Practical Data Model for CMDB" (PDMC) by Justin Group Oy. Read more about the PDMC from here.

AuditField level auditAudit runner now checks the field level audit setup and conditions when a container has field-level audit enabled. Deviations are reported per field condition while the compliant mark is only received when all listed fields are matching with the conditions.
WorkspaceMultiple reports updatedMultiple reports updated to use the Implementation phase, Category, Data Domains and Tiers as grouping factors.
ApplicationDCM Guided SetupPost-installation setup and instructions have been turned from Wiki into a Guided setup. This setup includes the basic steps needed after installing the application from the ServiceNow Store.



AuditNo data messagePreviously scheduled audit returned "Failed" status when no data was available matching the audit filter. Now Audit instance has new status for "No data" in such cases.
Blueprint DesignerUpdated form layoutsBlueprint version + few other form layouts have been updated for better user experience.
Blueprint DesignerUpen Unique Audit Messages from Related infoRelated info section listing top Unique Audit Messages for the blueprint now includes a link to open the UAM.
Blueprint DesignerNew action iconsContainer filter, Duplicate checking, Field level audit are showing as icons on the blueprint container once enabled.
Blueprint DesignerIdentifiersWorking with an Identifier now shows how many other blueprints are using the same identifier.
Blueprint DesignerCategory changed to reference

Previously blueprint "Category" was a choice list. Now it has been turned into a reference and Blueprint Categories can be managed by the DCM Admin. Data Domains and Tiers can also be linked to Categories.

Blueprint DesignerTemplate selectionTemplate selection is using the data domains and tiers instead of category when creating a new blueprint.
Blueprint DesignerImplementation phaseNew attribute added to Blueprint version to define the maturity or implementation phase of the blueprint. The options for the Implementation phase are following the same analogy as the Common Service Data Model implementation phases: crawl, walk, run and fly.

Bug fixes

Blueprint DesignerUsability improvementsMoving and selecting different elements on the Blueprint Designer has been improved.
WorkspaceInvalid filter on a reportUpdated an invalid filter on the "Completed DCM Tasks" report

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