DCM R4.5 Release Notes

DCM R4.5 Release Notes

DCM R4.5 is a minor release focusing on usability enhancements, new dashboards, and adding an ability to set sys_domain value for DCM Tasks.

Release date: 31.12.2020

New Features

WorkspaceAbility to set sys_domain on DCM TasksDCM Task Configurations now includes selecting a method for setting the sys_domain value for DCM Tasks created by the configuration.
Reports and DashboardsWhole new DCM DashboardsAll dashboards updated with more dynamic content based on the current user and Data Domain responsibilities. Dashboards have been rearranged also to provide better focus and more actionable reports on different areas.



AuditUse the "latest published blueprint version" on auditsPreviously one had to select a specific blueprint version to be used on a scheduled audit. Now, user can select the "Latest published blueprint version" meaning that when new versions of the blueprint are getting published, the one in the Published state will always be used for the audit.
AuditAudit Category added to Audit instancesAdditional categorization for reporting and task configurations. For example, a particular audit category can be used to filter down audit instances to be used to create DCM Tasks. 
AuditRun as selection as part of audit setupA user creating an audit can now select which user account to use to run the audit.
AuditProgress bar to audit instances listAudit instances list under the DCM Audit module now includes a progress bar that shows how many Audit Result records are already completed.
Blueprint DesignerBlueprint name as default for templateWhen a new Blueprint template is created from an existing blueprint, the blueprint name is used as a default name for the template.
Blueprint DesignerSuggested filters for containersWhen creating a model filter for a container, the filter setup now includes "suggested filters" based on previously created filters for the same table.
Data Content PlannerDefault name from DCM TaskSets a default name for the Content Set when created from a DCM Task
Data Content PlannerName of a Desired recordName of a Desired record is not used as a default name for the real record. Meaning that "Name" attributes (or any string selected as Display value) is prepopulated with Desired record name.
WorkspaceUse the "latest published blueprint version" on task configPreviously one had to select a specific blueprint version to be used on a task configuration. Now, user can select the "Latest published blueprint version" meaning that when new versions of the blueprint are getting published, the one in the Published state will always be used for the task config.
ApplicationService Portfolio tables to Available classesDefault Available Classes setup now includes "Service Portfolio" including the basic tables related to services.
ApplicationNew Application modules under LibraryLibrary section now includes Audit Instances and Audit Schedules for easy access.

Bug fixes

AuditScheduling monthly audit doesn't allow to select start timeScheduled audit form did not include start time selection for Monthly audits.
AuditAudited date showing invalid datesIn certain cases, Audited date on the Audit Instances list was shown incorrectly.
AuditConflicting referencesData Population Wizard's preview gave an error when the same reference is included more than once on a blueprint and same record is used on multiple places.
Reports and DashboardsImplementation phase values reorderedImplementation phase values were shown in alphabetical order based on Crawl, Fly, Run and Walk. Now changed to phase numbers 1 - Crawl, 2 - Walk etc...
Blueprint DesignerDot-walking didn't work in Field ConditionsIf a Field Setup included conditions with dot-walking, those conditions did not work properly.
Blueprint DesignerIdentifier setup doesn't include parent table attributesWhen creating an Identifier to an extended table, the attribute list did not include attributes from the parent table.

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