Language Translation

Language Translation

The language translation capabilities apply to R4.3 and later.

The default supported language for DCM is English. However, the effort has been made to ensure that user’s own language are respected. The DCM continuously improve on support for internalization (i18n). Since, it is harder to support number of languages we have leveraged the “Now platform” to provide the capabilities for i18n. Follow the steps required for each part of application text translation.

Blueprint related data display text are translated on fly, meaning if the ServiceNow instance is already translated into user session language then user would be able to see blueprint diagram in the preferred language.

The standard customization data has to be translated as per the ServiceNow recomendation. For example language specific choice list configuration, the application menu label (shown on the module navigator) customization.

Available Classes

The table label listed under Blueprint Designer’s Class List tab would be in user preferred language. However to translate the root item, the available class record has to be translated. The following steps require ‘admin’ role.

  1. Go to available classes list and note the record that should be translated

  2. Go to ‘Translated Texts’ under System Localization >> Translation Support >> Translated Text

  3. Click New and fill the details in the form, it is important that Document → [record chosen in step 1], Language → [target language], Field Name → Name and Value → [name value in target language].



The translation of report title might need extra effort as described in ServiceNow knowledge base.

Blueprint Element related

If the blueprint element related report do not show translated data labels. The likely reason could be there does not exits a translation record for Blueprint Element. The ‘Name’ field of Blueprint Element is ‘Translated Text’. Either use the steps described for ‘Available Classes’ or Translated Text table description found here .


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