Scheduled audit instance hanging with running state


The audit instance is hanging with running state for longer than expected. The audit that was expected to be completed within hours is hanging for days.

For the scheduled audit. Normally, when an Audit instance record is viewed in ServiceNow’s form there should be audit result records created. In this problem case, the Audit Results related list is empty.


The described steps are for DCM R4.2 and later. The user should have an ‘admin’ role to the ServiceNow instance. The following steps should be followed for a scheduled audit.

  1. Using ServiceNow’s application navigator go to sys_trigger.list or Schedule list

  2. Search schedule item with name “DCM audit run events process”, the schedule item should be listed.

  3. Using table list context menu refresh the list for few times with an interval of 8-10 seconds, note the state.

  4. Go to System Log > Events, Search with name “”, there should be at least an event with processed empty.


  5. Got to System Diagnostics > Active Transactions (All Nodes), expand all nodes.

  6. If the state on step 3 doesn’t turn into “Ready” between interval and if there is no transaction listed in step 4 with the name “DCM audit run events process”. Then, open the “DCM audit run events process” schedule item record, change the state to “Ready” and save the record.


  7. Repeat step 4 and refresh the list, there should be a transaction with the name “DCM audit run events process”.

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